Colombian Paisa Tray

No. of diners


Ready in

90 minutes




Main course

The bandeja paisa is a traditional recipe from Antioquia, Colombia. A dish with a lot of substance: it has meat, beans, plantains, avocado, fried eggs and a delicious Colombian sauce called hogao. If you like to try recipes of stews from different countries do not miss the Colombian bandeja paisa, in Cocina Casera we tell you the step by step.

History of the bandeja paisa

This recipe is so copious that instead of being served on a plate, a tray or platter is needed (although in the picture it is served on a plate but it is ‘overflowing’. Its history is quite recent since it does not appear in Colombian recipe books prior to 1950. It seems to have been inspired by another recipe called arriero that was prepared in the Antioquia region in the 19th century.

It is a dish rich in carbohydrates (rice, beans, banana and avocado) and also incorporates fats and proteins. The muleteers were dedicated to transporting goods on mules or mules and spent many hours traveling with a good ration of tray paisa had strength to endure hours of work.


  • For the bandeja paisa
  • White rice – 400 g
  • Ripe plantain-2 units
  • Pinto beans – 400 g
  • Avocados -2 units
  • Bacon – 400 g
  • Beef minced meat -350 g
  • Eggs – 4 units
  • Corn Arepas- 4 units
  • Laurel – 1 leaf

Ingredients household sauce

  • Onion – 200 g
  • Tomatoes – 3 units
  • Garlic clove – 1 piece
  • Cumin -a pinch
  • Salt – to taste



The day before, let the beans rest in a container with water.


To prepare the white rice, as we have 400 grams of rice, we use double the amount of water and a little more, 850 ml of water. When the water boils add the white rice and the bay leaf. Cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes, covering the container.


You can find plantains in any well-stocked supermarket, they are not sweet at all. Prepare a frying pan with oil, cut the plantains in half and fry until golden brown, then let them rest on a plate with paper towels.


Meanwhile we prepare the hogao sauce that we need for the recipe. finely chop the onion and sauté in oil for 4 minutes. Then season with salt and pepper and add the tomato cut in brunoise or small pieces. Stir in the minced garlic and cumin, mix and cook for 2 minutes.


Drain the beans and prepare the pressure cooker (to save time) add the beans to the pot and the hogao sauce. Cover with water and program 30 minutes.


In a frying pan add olive oil and sauté the meat and bacon until browned. Then remove, in the same frying pan fry the four eggs.


Add the minced meat and bacon to the previous sauce and brown for a few minutes.


To assemble the paisa platter, we place the boiled rice from the beginning, the beans, the fried plantains, the minced meat and the bacon. We are missing the fried eggs and two sliced avocados. It is served with arepas or corn flour bread.


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